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[推荐] 刘儒勋

[1]Wang Jiwen and Liu Ruxun, The composite finite volume method on unstructured meshes for the
two-dimensional shallow water equations,Inter J Numer Meth in Fluids,37-8(2001) 933-949
[2]Wang Jin and Liu Ruxun,A New Approach to Design High-Order Schemes,J Comput Appl
[3]Li Hong and Liu Ruxun, The discontinuous Galerkin finite element method for the 2D shallow
water equations, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation,56-3(2001) )223-233
[4]RuXun Liu, Hong Li and ZhiFeng Wang, The discontinuous finite element method for red-and
green light models for the traffic flow,
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 56-1(2001)55-67
[5]Wang Jiwen and Liu Ruxun,The composite finite volume method on unstructured triangular
meshes for 2D shallow water equations,Inter JNumerMethods in Fluids,33(2001)933-949
[6]Wang Jiwen and Liu Ruxun,A comparative study of FVM on unstructured meshes for simulations
of 2D shallow water wave, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation,53(2000)171-184
[7]Liu Ruxun,et alThe designing approach of difference schemes by controlling the remainder-
effect, Inter J Numer Meth in Fluids, 31 (1999)523
[8]Luo Zhendong and Liu Ruxun,Mixed finite element analysis and numerical solitary solution for
the RLW equation,SIAM J Numerical Analysis,36-1(1999)89
[9]Zhang Peng and Liu Ruxun,Hyperbolic conservation laws with space-dependent flux: I
Characteristics theory and Riemann problem,JCAM,156-1(2003)1-21
[10]Liu Ruxun,Liu Xiaoping,Zhang Lei and Wang Zhifeng, Tracking and reconstruction methods for
moving interfaces, Applied Mathematicsand Mechanics, 25-3(2004)307-321
[11]Xu Zhenli and Liu Ruxun, Numerical simulation for solitary waves of RLW equation,
J Hydrodynamics, SerB 16-2(2004)130-135
[13]Zhang Peng and Liu Ruxun, Generalization of Runge-Kutta discontinuous Galerkin method
to LWR traffic flow model with inhomogeneous road conditions,
Inter J Numer Methods for PDE, 21-1(2005)80-88
[14]Zhang Peng and Liu Ruxun, Hyperbolic conservation laws with space-dependent flux: II
General study of numerical fluxes,
J Computational and Applied Mathematics, 176(2005)105-129
[15]Peng Zhang and Ruxun Liu and SCWong, High-resolution numerical approximation of traffic
flow problems with variable lanes and free-flow velocities,
Physical Review E, 71(2005)056704;(SCI)
[16]Liu Ruxun,Wu Lingling, Small-stencil Pade schemes to solve nonlinear evolution equations,
Applied Mathematics and Mechamics, 26-7(2005)872-881;(SCI)
[17]Ji-Wen Wang,Ru-Xun Liu, Combined finite volume-finite element method for shallow water
equations, Computers & Fluids, 34(2005)1199-1222;(SCI)
[18]PZhang,SQDai and RXLiu, Description and WENO numericaal approximation to nonlinear
waves of a multi-class traffic flow LWR model,
ApplMathand Mech,26-6(2005)691-699;(SCI)
[19]Xu Zhenli,Liu Ruxun, A high-order Pade scheme for KdV equations,
J Hydrodynamics, SerB 17-6(2005)130-135;(国内刊物,EI)
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