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[分享] Atals Compressed Air Manual

Atlas Compressed Air Manual

11 Physics, General 10
111 The structure of matter 10
112 The molecule and the
different states of matter 10
12 Physical units 11
121 Pressure 11
122 Temperature 12
123 Thermal capacity 13
124 Work 13
125 Power 13
126 Volume rate of flow 13
13 Thermodynamics 14
131 Main principles 14
132 Gas laws 14
133 Heat transfer 15
134 Changes in state 16
1341 Isochoric process 16
1342 Isobaric process 17
1343 Isothermic process 17
1344 Isentropic process 18
1345 Polytropic process 18
135 Gas flow through
nozzles 18
136 Flow through pipes 19
137 Throttling 19
14 Air 20
141 Air in general 20
142 Moist air 20
15 Types of compressors 21
151 Two basic principles 21
152 Displacement
compressors 21
153 The compressor diagram for
displacement compressors 23
154 Dynamic compressors 24
155 Compression in
several stages 24
156 Comparison between
displacement and
centrifugal compressors 25
Chapter 1
16 Electricity 25
161 Basic terms and
definitions 25
162 Ohm’s law for
alternating current 26
163 Three-phase system 27
164 Power 27
165 The electric motor 28
1651 Speed 28
1652 Efficiency 28
1653 Insulation class 28
1654 Protection classes 28
1655 Cooling methods 29
1656 Installation method 29
1657 Star (Y) and delta
(Δ) connections 29
1658 Torque 30
Chapter 2
Compressors and
auxiliary equipment
21 Displacement
compressors 34
211 Displacement compressors
in general 34
212 Piston compressors 34
213 Oil-free piston
compressors 37
214 Diaphragm compressors 37
215 Screw compressors 37
2151 Oil-free screw
compressor 39
2152 Liquid injected
screw compressor 39
216 Tooth compressor 41
217 Scroll compressor 41
218 Vane compressor 43
219 Liquid-ring compressor 43
2110 Blower 44
22 Dynamic compressors 44
221 Dynamic compressors
in general 44
222 Centrifugal compressor 45
223 Axial compressor 46
23 Other compressors 47
231 Vacuum pump 47
232 Booster compressor 47
233 Pressure intensifier 48
24 Treatment of
compressed air 48
241 Drying compressed air 48
2411 Aftercooler 50
2412 Refrigerant dryer 50
2413 Over-compression 51
2414 Absorption drying 51
2415 Adsorption drying 52
242 Filters 54
25 Control and
regulation systems 56
251 Regulation in general 56
252 Regulation principles for
displacement compressors 57
2521 Pressure relief 57
2522 Bypass 57
2523 Throttling the intake 57
2524 Pressure relief with
throttled intake 58
2525 Start/stop 58
2526 Speed regulation 58
2527 Variable discharge
port 59
2528 Balancing of valves 59
2529 Clearance volume 59
25210 Full load-unload
-stop 59
253 Regulation principles
for dynamic compressors 60
2531 Throttling the intake 60
2532 Intake vane control 60
2533 Outlet vane control
(diffuser) 60
2534 Pressure relief 60
2535 Load-unload-stop 60
2536 Speed regulation 60
254 Control and monitoring 62
2541 General 62
2542 Load-unload-stop 62
2543 Speed control 63
255 Control and monitoring 63
2551 Temperature
measurement 63
2552 Pressure
measurement 64
2553 Monitoring 64
256 Comprehensive
control system 65
2561 Start sequence
selector 65
257 Central control 66
258 Remote monitoring 67
Chapter 3
Dimensioning and installation
31 Dimensioning compressor
installations 70
311 General 70
3111 Calculating the
working pressure 70
3112 Calculating the air
requirement 71
3113 Measuring the air
requirement 72
312 Centralisation or
decentralisation 72
3121 General 73
3122 Centralised
installations 73
3123 Decentralised
installations 74
313 Dimensioning
at high altitude 74
3131 General 74
3132 The ambient conditions
effect on a compressor 75
3133 Power source 76
31331 Electric
31331 motors 76
31332 Combustion
31332 engines 76
32 Air treatment 77
321 General 77
322 Water vapour in
the compressed air 77
323 Oil in the compressed air 78
324 Microorganisms in the
compressed air 79
325 Filters 80
326 Aftercooler 81
327 Water separator 81
328 Oil as droplets 81
33 Cooling systems 82
331 Water cooled compressors 82
3311 General 82
3312 Open system,
circulating water 82
3313 Open system,
circulating water 82
3314 Closed system 83
34 Energy recovery 85
341 General 85
342 Calculation of the recovery
potential 87
343 Recovery methods 87
3431 General 87
3432 Air cooled systems 88
3433 Water
cooled system 89
35 The compressor room 90
351 General 90
352 Placement and design 91
353 Foundation 91
354 Intake air 92
355 Compressor room
ventilation 93
36 The compressed air
networks structure 96
361 General 96
3611 Air receiver 96
362 Design of the compressed
air network 98
363 Dimensioning the
compressed air network 99
364 Flow measurement 101
37 Portable compressors 101
371 General 101
372 Noise and gaseous
emissions 101
373 Transport and auxiliary
equipment 102
38 Electrical installation 102
381 General 102
382 Motors 102
383 Starting methods 103
384 Control voltage 103
385 Short-circuit protection 104
386 Cables 104
387 Phase compensation 104
39 Sound 105
391 General 105
392 Sound pressure 105
393 Absorption 106
394 Room constant 106
395 Reverberation 106
396 Relation between sound
power and sound
pressure 106
397 Sound measurements 107
398 Interaction of several
sources 108
399 Sound reduction 108
3910Noise with compressor
installations 109
310 Standards, laws
and provisions 109
3101General 109
3102Standards 109
Chapter 4
41 Economy 112
411 Costs for compressed
air production 112
4111 General 112
4112 Apportioning costs 113
42 Opportunities for saving 113
421 Power requirement 113
422 Working pressure 113
423 Air consumption 115
424 Regulation method 116
425 Air quality 117
426 Energy recovery 117
427 Maintenance 118
4271 Maintenance
planning 119
4272 Auxiliary
equipment 120
43 Other economic factors 120
431 General 120
432 LCC 120
Chapter 5
Calculation example
51 Example of dimensioning
compressed air
installations 124
52 Input data 125
521 Requirement 125
522 Ambient conditions
(dimensioning) 125
523 Miscellaneous 125
53 Component selection 126
531 Dimensioning the
compressor 127
532 Assumption for the
continued calculation 127
533 Dimensioning of the
receiver volume 128
534 Dimensioning of the dryer 129
535 Assumptions for the
continued calculation 129
536 Control calculations 130
54 Other dimensioning 131
541 Condensation quantity
calculation 131
542 Ventilation requirement
in the compressor area 132
55 High altitude 133
56 Intermittent output 134
57 Water borne energy
recovery 135
571 Assumption 136
572 Calculation of the cooling
water flow in the energy
recovery circuit 136
573 Energy balance across the
recovery heat exchanger 137
574 Compilation of the answer 137
58 Pressure drop in
the piping 138
Chapter 6
61 The SI-system 140
62 Drawing symbols 143
63 Diagrams and tables 145
64 Compilation of current
standards and norms 150
641 Safety related regulations
and standards 150
6411 Machine safety 150
6412 Pressure safety 150
6413 Environment 150
6414 Electrical safety 150
642 Technical related
standards and norms 151
6421 Standardization 151
6422 Specifications 151
6423 Measurements 151
Index 152
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